The following codes help engineers to design buildings:
1. IS 456–2000. It is code of practice for the design of plain and reinforced concrete. It was first
brought out in 1953. It was revised in 1957, 1984 and the latest revision is in the year 2000.
It gives specifications or specifies the other codes for the requirement of various materials
used in making concrete. It classifies concrete into various grades based on 28 days concrete
cube strength. It specifies the methods and care to be taken in transporting, placing, compacting
and using of concrete. It gives general design considerations, special design requirements
and gives design procedure for various structural elements by limit state method approach.
Both strength and serviceability requirements are to be satisfied in the design.

IS 800–2007: It titled as General Construction in steel-code and practice. To achieve efficient
and optimum standards for structural steel products, Indian Standard Institution initiated action in 1950 and was able to bring out a code in 1956. The code was revised in 1962, 1984 and the latest revision is in the year 2007. It gives guidelines for various class of steel, loads to be considered in the design and the method of designing steel members by limit state method. It gives the serviceability requirements to be fulfilled in the design.

IS 875–1984: It is the Indian Code of practice for Design Loads for Building and Structures. It is
available in five parts. Specifications are available for taking loads such as dead loads, live loads, wind loads, snow loads, crane loads etc. Dead load depends upon the type of structures and also on the part of structure. Wind loads and snow loads depend upon the region, location of site, slopes of building roof, height of building etc. The code gives the guidelines for determining these loads on the building to be designed. Code also gives the combination of loads to be considered in the building design.

IS 1343–1980: It is the code of practice for pre stressed concrete. It gives guidelines for selecting
materials, specifies workmanship, inspection and testing. General design requirements and limit state
method for structural design are presented. Requirements for durability are also specified.
IS 1893–2002: It gives criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures. IS 4928–1993 is
the code of practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings. IS 13827–1992
gives guidelines for Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Cost Strength Masonry Buildings.
IS 13920–1997: It is the code of practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced concrete structures
subjected to Seismic Forces. IS 13935–1993 gives guidelines for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings.
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