Air Pollution and how to control air pollution

As we know that major sources of air pollution are vehicles and industries. Hence, for the control of air pollution we must regulate two pipes one is the silencer of the vehicle and other one is the chimney of the industry. If they both work according to the parameters of the standard emissions and emit strictly in accordance with prescribed limit then there won’t be any contamination in the air. For this purpose every individual has to take efforts at his or her own level to contribute for the air quality control.

 However, this great facility of travelling from one place to another place very comfortable should not be let free to do whatever it wants to harm the air. There should be check and balance for it and you as either owner or driver of a vehicle can contribute a lot to emit minimum and help control the air pollution. Some of the main environment friendly steps are;

Make regular tuning of the vehicle.

Keep its engine and silencer in good condition.

Get balancing of vehicles regularly.

Maintain air pressure in tubes properly.

Avoid using adulterated fuel.

Never use or apply pressure horn.

Use vehicle when very necessary.

If convenient rely mostly on public transport.

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