Equivalent Single Wheel Load (ESWL)

Equivalent Single Wheel Load (ESWL)

In heavy vehicle rear (back) axle in general have two wheels at one side instead of single wheel here pressure at certain depth below cannot be obtained by numerically adding the pressure caused by each wheel load. so equivalent single wheel load is used. it is the single whole having the same contact pressure, which produces same value of maximum stresses, deflection and contact pressure at the desired depth as two individual wheel produces.

Some assumption for ESWL Calculation 

➤Contact Area is circular

➤Influence angle is 45 degree

➤Soil is isotropic 

➤soil is homogenious

➤soil is elastic

➤Overlapping of stress is effective in between d/2 to 25

➤Upto depth d/2, overall stress = stress due to tyre(1) + stress due to tyre (2)

➤After depth 2S, overall stress = stress due to tyre (1) + stress due to tyre (2)


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