What is gradient and types of gradient in transportation engineering


Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of the road with respect  to the horizontal. The positive gradient or the ascending is denoted as +n and the negative gradient as –n. the deviation angle N is , when two grades meet, the angle which measures the change of directions and is given by the algebraic difference between the two grades (n1 – (-n2 )) = n1 + n2 = α1 + α2. Example : 1 in 30 = 3.33 %   ͌ 2ͦ  is a steep, while 1 in 50 = 2 %   ͌ 1ͦ 10΄ is a flatter gradient. The gradient representation is illustrated in the figure given below.

Types of gradient :

Ruling Gradient 

The ruling gradient or the maximum gradient with which the designer attempts to design the vertical profile of the road. This depends on the terrain, length of the grade, speed pulling power the vehicle and the presence of the horizontal curve. In flatter terrain, it may be possible to provide flat gradient, but in hilly terrain it is not economical and sometimes not possible also. The ruling gradient is adopted by the designer by considering a particular as the design and for a design vehicle with standard dimensions. But our country has a heterogeneous traffic and hence it is not possible to lay down precise standards for the country as a whole. Hence IRC has recommended some values for ruling gradient for different types of terrain.

Limiting gradient 

This gradient is adopted when the ruling gradient results in enormous increase in cost of construction. On rolling terrain and hilly terrain it may be frequently necessary to adopt limiting gradient stretches should be limited and must be sandwiched by either straight roads or easier grades.

Exceptional Gradient

Exceptional Gradient are very steeper given at unavoidable situations. They should be limited for short stretches not exceeding about 100 metres at a stretch. In mountainous and steep terrain, successive exceptional gradients must be separate by a minimum 100 metres length gentler gradient. At hairpin bends, the gradients is restricted to 2.5%.

Minimum gradient

This is important only at locations where surface drainage is important. Camber will take care of the lateral drainage .but the longitudinal drainage along the side drains require some slope for smooth flow of water .therefore minimum gradient is provided for drainage purpose and it depends on rain fall, type of soil and other site conditions. A minimum of 1 in 500 may be sufficient for concrete drain and 1 in 200 for open soil drains are found to give satisfactory performance.

Ruling gradient
Limiting gradient
Experimental gradient
Plain or rolling
3.3 per cent
(1 in 30)
5 per cent
(1 in 20)
6.7 per cent
(1 in 15)
Mountainous terrain, and steep terrain having elevation more than 3,000 m above the mean sea level

5 per cent
(1 in 20)

6 per cent
(1 in 16.7)

7 per cent
(1 in 14.3)
Steep terrain upto 3,000 m height above mean sea level

6 per cent
(1 in 16.7 )

7 Percent
( 1 in 14.3 )
8 Percent
( 1 in 2.5 )

Suppose the road is with zero gradient passing through level land and open side drains are provided with a gradient of say 1 in 300. It may then be necessary to deepen the downstream end of the drain by about 3.3 m for one kilometre length of road. This course is not possible from practical considerations. Hence it is desirable to have a certain minimum gradient on roads from drainage point of view, provided topography favours this. The minimum gradient would depend on rain-fall, run-off , type of soil, topography  and site conditions.

A minimum gradient of about 1 in 500 may be sufficient to drain water in concrete drains and gutter , but on inferior surfaces of drains a slope of 1 in 200 or 0.5 percent may be needed where as on kutcha open drains ( soil drains ) steeper slopes up to 1 in 100 or 1.0 percent may be needed.

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