What is Plinth area Estimate

Plinth area of a building means Length x Breadth ( roofed portion only ) excluding plinth offsets. The estimates are prepared on the basis of plinth areas of the various buildings proposed to be constructed. The rates are being arrived at the dividing the total cost of construction with its plinth area. For example if total cost of a building is Rs. 1 lac and its plinth area is 50 sq. m. then plinth area rate =1,00,000 = Rs.2000/- per 50 sq.m. Using this rate as basis of the next construction, approximate or rough cost of the proposal can be arrived at by multiplying the plinth area of the proposed building with this plinth area rate.
The following documents are attached with the estimate.
(1) Line plan with brief specifications.
(2) Cost of various services added i.e. electric and water supply etc.
(3) North line should be shown clearly on line plan.

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